Signal Handling

The master and worker processes will respond to the following signals as documented.

Master Process

  • QUIT and INT - Quickly shutdown.
  • TERM - Gracefully shutdown, this will wait for the workers to finish their current requests and gracefully timeout.
  • TTIN - Increases the worker count by one.
  • TTOU - Decreases the worker count by one.


TTIN and TTOU signals can be sent to the master to increase or decrease the number of workers.

To increase the worker count by one, where $PID is the PID of the master process.

$ kill -TTIN $PID

To decrease the worker count by one:

$ kill -TTOU $PID

Worker Process

You may send signals directly to a worker process.

  • QUIT and INT - Quickly shutdown.
  • TERM - Gracefully shutdown.